In a medium-sized pot over low-medium heat fry bacon until crisp with the fat rendered. Discard most of the fat, leaving a little behind to fry the leeks. Raise heat to medium, then add in leeks and continue frying until soft. Remove everything from the pot and place to one side.
Pour milk and cream into the pot then add salt, pepper and nutmeg. Bring to a very gentle simmer and allow to infuse for 5 or so mins, just until it starts to thicken. Don't allow it to rapidly bubble or foam, this risks the liquid curdling.
Meanwhile, peel and slice your potatoes into very thin rounds (approx 3-4mm or 1/8"). I find this easiest by slicing a thin layer off the base of the potato to stabilize it when cutting. You can also use a mandoline.
Rub a 9x9" baking dish with butter, then pour in a splash of cream and spread over the base (I find this easiest using a brush). Add a layer of potatoes, overlapping slightly as needed to prevent gaps. Pour over a layer of cream and brush to cover the potatoes, then sprinkle over some of the bacon/leek mix and top with a layer of gruyere. Continue the layers finishing with potatoes and a layer of cream on top (remember to save half of the gruyere to top). For reference, you should end up with 5 potato layers and 4 cheese/bacon/leek layers.
Place in the oven at 170C/340F for 1 hour, or until knife tender and lightly browned on the top. This may take slightly longer or less time depending on the depth of your dish, so just be vigilant (see notes).
Take the dish out and sprinkle with gruyere. Pop back under the grill and broil for a couple of mins until golden and crispy. Allow to rest for a few mins so the potatoes retain shape, then slice into portions and enjoy!